Men’s Gathering

Look what’s coming up guys…!

Lock & load these dates in your diary and lets get ‘Gathering’

Six Nations Rugby

on a BIG screen near you!

Sat 1st Feb – England away to Ireland
k/o 16:45 at David’s/Esmead doors open 16:30 BYO nibbles & beer
Sat 8th Feb – England home against France
k/o 16:45 venue TBA
Sat 22nd Feb – England home against Scotland
k/o 16:45 venue TBA
Sun 9th Mar – England home against Italy
k/o 15:00 venue TBA
Sat 15th Mar – England away to Wales
k/o 16:45 venue TBA


at a farm near us on

Saturday morning 26th April

Join us for a packed morning of fun, food and fellowship
starting 8am with Breakfast (we’ll have to cook our own)
some worship and conversation
a farm walk, coffee and prayer
all finished by lunchtime

CVM Gathering TG25

In association with CVM

(Christian Vision for Men)

Save the date

Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd June

‘in a field near Swindon’

Look back at TG24 and TG23