day 1


A man came to Jesus wanting Him to heal his son but wasn’t sure he could believe. This is Jesus’ reply and a man’s honest response:
“Everything is possible for one who believes”
Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief”

Impossible – Anyone there?

Maybe God is closer than you think. Imagine a conversation between twins in the womb. Stupid idea, because they can’t talk. But go with it for a minute.

One says, “we’ve got a mother who has made us and is all around us. One day we will meet her”

The other says, “I’m not so sure about the idea of a mother. I don’t think there is anything outside this life. We’ve got all we need and we’ve got each other. There is nothing more than we can see and feel here. I find the idea of having a ‘mother’ rather unscientific, amusing in fact”.

Whether they believe it or not, their world will soon be shaken by enormous contractions.

OK, illustrations are limited, but the point is something closer than you think. There is an old saying that “In Him (God) we live and move and have our being”

People often struggle to find God in their lives. but the truth is He is all around us. We can reach out for Him and find Him because, in fact, he is not far from anyone.

God is interested in us and we are in some way made like Him – in His image. It makes knowing Him a genuine option.